My goodness, I'm lucky to catch a masterpiece on new!
My goodness, I'm lucky to catch a masterpiece on new!
Bit more coherent than that fruit game I tried. Decent input method, physics seem fine, but those lords are quite durable...
It's decent execution, but the lingering trail of your strokes can hit stuff which makes avoidance unintentionally difficult.
Also, every fruit makes apple slices. I do like it though, don't you worry!
i solved this bug from apples slices when slice every fruit
It might be more interesting if the falling rate of the apples increased over time. It could do with some sounds too!
I love you like a fat lady loves apples
Gig Economy RPG
I would give a reviewier review but this is just good. Good art, good concept, good execution.
I thought this was just gonna be a shallow rehash of Fetch Quest, but this ball mechanic was actually pretty neat!
I can't decide if the horrible crustiness of this is grounds it rate it high or low based on your intent for it to be that way, but I'm certainly feeling that old-school charm.
Edit: I almost forgot to mention! The actual gameplay concept is surprisingly fun for how simplistic it is.
Thanks for the review! The crustiness was definitely intentional :D
I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
It's a one-note gimmick game sure, but it's a decent gimmick and you used it well!
If I could suggest one thing, however--I would really prefer to get an overview of the levels beforehand. Needing to learn the layout by losing to leaps of faith over and over until you have it memorized is not fun.
I guess that is because the jellybeans melted up there
I'm actually trying, trust me!
Joined on 10/18/22